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一家比利时公司通过基因技术准备研发的猛犸象汉堡,根据科学家的说法,这种肉应该“很好吃”,但他们没有尝试现成的肉:据信古代松鼠对现代人有毒。 据研究人员介绍,这些蛋白质已经数千年没有进入人体消化系统,因此尚不清楚免疫系统会如何反应。如果有一天真的上市了,您敢尝试吗?




根据报道,一家比利时公司通过基因技术准备研发的猛犸象汉堡,根据科学家的说法,这种肉应该“很好吃”,但他们没有尝试现成的肉:据信古代松鼠对现代人有毒。 据研究人员介绍,这些蛋白质已经数千年没有进入人体消化系统,因此尚不清楚免疫系统会如何反应。如果有一天真的上市了,您敢尝试吗?文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

Just a strand of Elvis’s hair would do. Pluck out his DNA and it could be copied millions of times using a technique called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). That was the business plan pitched in the 1990s by Kary Mullis, an American biologist. Mullis had helped develop PCR in the 1980s; in 1993 he shared a Nobel prize. “StarGene”, as his company was known, hoped to make money by selling jewellery stuffed with celebrity DNA.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

只要埃尔维斯的一缕头发足以。 取出他的 DNA,通过聚合酶链式反应 (PCR) 技术将它复制数百万次。 这是美国生物学家卡里·穆利斯 (Kary Mullis) 20 世纪 90 年代提出的商业计划。 穆利斯在20世纪80年代帮助开发了聚合酶链式反应; 1993年,他与别人一起共同获得了诺贝尔奖。 他的公司--“StarGene”,希望通过销售充满名人 DNA 的珠宝来赚钱。文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

The idea never quite worked out. But that has not stopped a slew of newer firms also hoping to mine gold from dead individuals—or even entire species. Paleo, for instance, is a Belgian startup that creates synthetic proteins for the artificial-meat business. Driven in part by a “childhood fascination with prehistory”, Hermes Sanctorum, the company’s CEO, is keen to expand the business into making woolly-mammoth burgers.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

这个想法从未完全实现。但这并没有阻止许多新公司也希望从死去的个体甚至整个物种身上开采黄金。 例如,一家叫Paleo的比利时初创公司,为人造肉业务生产合成蛋白质。该公司首席执行官Hermes Sanctorum童年时期对史前史的迷恋的部分影响,热衷于将业务扩展到制作猛犸象汉堡。文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

Working with the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Sweden, the firm has obtained fragments of DNA from mammoth teeth found in the Siberian permafrost that are up to 1.2m years old. These fragments were combined with DNA from Asian and African elephants, the mammoth’s nearest living relatives, to reconstruct what the firm hopes is the mammoth version of the gene that encodes myoglobin, a protein that helps give meat its rich taste and vibrant red colour.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

该公司与瑞典古遗传学中心合作,从西伯利亚永久冻土中发现的猛犸象牙齿中获得了120万年前的DNA片段。这些片段与猛犸象现存近亲亚洲象和非洲象的DNA 相结合,以重建该公司希望的编码肌红蛋白基因的猛犸象版本。肌红蛋白是一种蛋白质,有助于赋予肉类浓郁的味道和鲜艳的红色。文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

That gene was inserted into the DNA of yeast, which duly began turning out mammoth myoglobin. The protein was mixed with binders such as potato starch, oil, salt and other flavours so that it resembled the taste and texture of a burger. Paleo’s patent claims the myoglobin causes a range of chemical reactions between other ingredients in the burger, producing flavours that are obtainable in no other way. Mr Sanctorum, for his part, says mammoth burgers taste “more intense” than beef. The firm raised €12m ($13.1m) in its first funding round in February, and hints its mammoth meat will be publicly available soon. Several vegan-burger makers and an ice-age theme park are reportedly interested.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

该基因被插入酵母的DNA 中,酵母随即开始产生猛犸象肌红蛋白。 将蛋白质与马铃薯淀粉、油、盐和其他香料等粘合剂混合,使其具有类似于汉堡的味道和质地。 Paleo的专利声称,肌红蛋白会引起汉堡中其他成分之间的一系列化学反应,产生其他方式无法获得的风味。 桑克托勒姆先生则表示,猛犸汉堡的味道比牛肉更浓烈。该公司在2月份的第一轮融资中筹集了1200万欧元(1310 万美元),并暗示其猛犸肉将很快公开发售。 据报道,几家纯素汉堡制造商和一个冰河时代主题公园对此感兴趣。文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/belgian-woolly-mammoth-burgers.html

Paleo is not the only company exploring mammoth meat. Vow, an Australian company, says it has made a volleyball-sized lump of the stuff by injecting engineered mammoth myoglobin into lab-grown stem cells derived from sheep. Geltor, a startup that has raised more than $100m, opted for a different extinct, elephantine species. It took sequenced mastodon DNA and used it to produce collagen, a protein found in skin and tendons. The stuff was eventually turned into gelatine for gummy sweets.

Paleo并不是唯一一家探索猛犸肉的公司。澳大利亚公司Vow表示,通过将经过改造的猛犸象肌红蛋白注射到实验室培养的绵羊干细胞中,它已经制成了排球大小的肿块。Geltor是一家初创公司,已筹集了超过1亿美元融资,它选择了另一种已灭绝的大象乳齿象DNA 进行了测序,并用它来生产一种在皮肤和肌腱中发现的胶原蛋白。这些东西最终被制成软糖的明胶。

And it is not just extinct animals that companies think might prove valuable. Haeckels, a British cosmetics firm, is attempting to engineer scents from extinct flowers for use in perfumes. Geltor has also produced human collagen for use in the cosmetics business. Perhaps engineering some from a celebrity’s DNA would be a hit?

公司认为可能证明有价值的不仅仅是灭绝的动物。 英国化妆品公司Haeckels正尝试从已灭绝的花朵中提取香味,以用于制造香水。而Geltor还生产用于化妆品产业的人类胶原蛋白。 也许从名人的DNA中改造一些会很受欢迎?

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