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It is difficult to overstate the importance of headlines. A good headline can entice and engage your audience to click, to read, and to share your content. In many cases headlines are the thing that is shared rather than the article. So you knew that. But do you know what makes an engaging headline?

To help answer this question we analyzed 100 million article headlines. We have set out below our findings from the research including the:


  • Headline phrases that drive most engagement on Facebook
  • FB上最火的文章标题
  • Worst performing headline phrases on Facebook
  • FB上最差的文章标题
  • Most effective phrases that start or end headlines
  • 最有效的标题开头语结尾
  • Optimum number of words and characters to use in a headline
  • 标题中最有用的文章标题词汇
  • Most impactful numbers to use in headlines
  • 标题中最具影响力的数字
  • Most engaging Twitter headline phrases
  • 推特标题中最吸引人的词有哪些
  • Differences between B2C and B2B headlines
  • B2B和B2C标题之间的差异有哪些


Most Engaging Headline Phrases: The Data文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/we-analyzed-100-million-headlines-heres-what-we-learned-new-research.html

In our survey of 100m headlines published between 1st March 2017 and 10th May 2017, the three word phrases or trigrams that gained the most Facebook engagements (likes, shares, comments) were as follows.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/we-analyzed-100-million-headlines-heres-what-we-learned-new-research.html




Why The Data Will Make You Think Again About Headlines文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/we-analyzed-100-million-headlines-heres-what-we-learned-new-research.html

In our sample the most powerful three word phrase used in a headline (by some margin) was:文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/we-analyzed-100-million-headlines-heres-what-we-learned-new-research.html


  • Will make you…
  • 会让你。。。

This phrase “will make you” gained more than twice the number of Facebook engagements as the second most popular headline trigram. This was a surprise. When we started out looking for top trigrams, this one wasn’t even on our list.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/we-analyzed-100-million-headlines-heres-what-we-learned-new-research.html


So why does this particular trigram or three word phrase work so well? One of the interesting things is that it is a linking phrase. It doesn’t start or end a headline, rather it makes explicit the linkage between the content and the potential impact on the reader.


This headline format sets out why the reader should care about the content. It also promises that the content will have a direct impact on the reader, often an emotional reaction. The headline is clear and to the point which makes it elegant and effective.


Typical headlines include:


  • 24 Pictures That Will Make You Feel Better About The World
  • 这24张图会让你感受到世界的美好
  • What This Airline Did for Its Passengers Will Make You Tear Up – So Heartwarming
  • 这家航空公司为乘客提供的服务会让你流泪——如此感人
  • 6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person
  • 6个残酷的真理会让你变得更好
  • “Who Wore It Better?” Pics That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
  • “谁穿得更好看?”这些照片会让你开怀大笑
  • 13 Travel Tips That Will Make You Feel Smart
  • 13个旅游提示会让你在旅行中更聪明


Emotional Headlines Drive Facebook Interactions

In our analysis we found that emotional phrases were consistently effective on Facebook as measured by the number of interactions. For example:


  • Tears of joy
  • 喜极而泣
  • Make you cry
  • 让你哭泣
  • Give you goosebumps
  • 让人起鸡皮疙瘩
  • Is too cute
  • 太可爱了
  • Shocked to see
  • 震惊地看到
  • Melt your heart
  • 融化你的心
  • Can’t stop laughing
  • 笑到停不下来

Many of the top performing posts with emotional headlines had image or video content although there were also story posts. Below is an example video post.



Little Girl with Rare Illness Perform with The New York City Ballet.She will melt your heart.


Despite the strong performance of emotional posts, content writers increasingly have to be careful in using emotional and sensational language. In May 2017 Facebook announced it will demote “headlines that exaggerate the details of a story with sensational language” and which aim “to make the story seem like a bigger deal than it really is.”



Curiosity and Voyeurism Also Gain Facebook Engagement

Headline phrases that provoke curiosity and a sense of voyeurism also gained a high level of engagement on Facebook. For example:


  • What happened next
  • 接下来发生了什么
  • Talking about it
  • 正在谈论它
  • Twitter reacts to
  • Twitter上的反响
  • Are freaking out
  • 吓坏了
  • Top x songs
  • 前X名的歌曲

Readers are often curious about what is being talked about by people, what the top items are in a league table, or what is being said by people on Twitter about a topic or event. This type of content appeals to a reader’s sense of curiosity and voyeurism. If you are curious, here are the most shared posts in the last year that have “are freaking out” in the headline.


We would caution writers to avoid ‘what happened next’ style headlines. While they have previously performed well, Facebook now categorises headlines that withhold information as clickbait and demotes them. In my personal view this is a good thing and I hope we will see an end to such clickbait headlines.



Other Engaging Headline Phrases

  • Explanations:
  • 解释类:
    • This is why
    • 这就是为什么
    • The reason is
    • 原因是

These phrases are also linked strongly to curiosity. For example:


    • And this is why women live longer than men…
    • 这就是为什么女人比男人寿命更长……
    • This is why you should be sleeping on your left side
    • 这就是为什么你应该朝左睡

We all want to feel that bit smarter after reading a piece of content. Explainer articles promise you an extra nugget of insight. In some ways they are similar to the “will make you” phrase headline as they make a promise about what you’ll gain as a result of reading the article.


  • Quizzes
  • 测试类:
    • Can we guess
    • 我们能否猜测
    • Only x in
    • 只有X在

These phrases are used in popular quiz headlines, for example:


    • Can We Guess Your Real Age?
    • 我们能否猜到你的真实年龄?
    • Only 1 In 50 People Can Identify These 16 Grammar Mistakes. Can You?
    • 50人中只有1个人可以识别这16个语法错误,你可以吗?

Quizzes remain an engaging format on Facebook. The first of these headline types is a quiz variation, it challenges you to answer to questions and to see if the quiz can then predict your age, level of education, job etc., based on your answers. These quizzes appeal to our desire to know more about ourselves and to prove we’re smart, we did grow up in the 80s, we are living in the right city, or whatever it might be. These quizzes are like mirrors, it’s hard to walk past with out looking at yourself. They are hard to ignore.


  • Tribal headlines
  • 圈子类:
    • X things only
    • X件只有

These popular headlines appeal to a sense of tribal belonging for example:


  • 25 Things Only Teachers Will Understand
  • 25件只有老师才能理解的事
  • 17 Things Only Moms of Twins Understand
  • 17件只有双胞胎妈妈才了解的事
  • 9 Things Only Girls Who Grew Up With Older Brothers Will Understand
  • 9件只有和哥哥长大的女孩才明白的事
  • 10 Things Only Night Shift Nurses Understand
  • 10件只有夜班护士才懂的事

We have seen a significant growth in tribal headlines, particularly politically partisan headlines. It is almost as if there is a duty on the tribe to share posts that support their viewpoints. We saw this in the US elections and we have seen something similar in the recent UK elections. These tribal headlines tend to gain a lot of engagement and shares, which might be encouraging sites to use polemical headlines more frequently.



The Worst Performing Phrases

We thought it would also be interesting to examine the commonly used phrases in headlines that receive the lowest Facebook engagement.



Note: We only looked at phrases or trigrams that were used on a minimum of 100 different domains. There will be worse performing phrases than those used above but these are the worst performing commonly used phrases.


It was interesting to see how poorly phrases like ‘on a budget’ performed on Facebook. While some individual articles did well, the average Facebook engagement was very low. By contrast the phrase ‘on a budget’ appears to work really well on Pinterest for DIY topics. See the examples below.

有趣的是,在Facebook上类似于“节省费用”的短语表现得非常糟。虽然也有一些单独的文章表现不错,但是其平均参与度非常低。相比之下,“节省费用”这个短语在Pinterest的DIY话题上却表现不错。如下图所示:我们分析了1亿条高阅读量标题,发现你被标题党吸引的原因This highlights the importance of context. It may simply be that Facebook is not a place where someone is actively looking for tips to save money and that the Pinterest DIY context is better suited to this content. This reinforces the need to research what works for your audience, your topics and specific social networks.  A headline may perform poorly on Facebook but work very well with a different audience on a different social network. The same is true when writing for different sectors, for example a phrase like ‘need to know’ may work well in say health but work less well in a different context. The key is to research what resonates with your specific audience and to test your headlines.


 A headline may perform poorly on Facebook but work very well with a different audience on a different social network. The same is true when writing for different sectors, for example a phrase like ‘need to know’ may work well in say health but work less well in a different context. The key is to research what resonates with your specific audience and to test your headlines.



Phrases That Start Or End Headlines

The most popular phrase “will make you” is a phrase that clearly sits in the centre of a headline as it connects two elements. Thus it creates the structure by linking something to an emotional reaction.

最流行的短语“Will make you(会让你)”是一个很明显位于标题中心的短语,因为它连接了两个不同的元素。也就是说它通过将某事物与情绪反应联系起来形成语句结构。

This was partly a surprise as previous research has suggested the most important part of a headline is the first three words and the last three words. It may be that using a linking phrase such as “will make you” actually emphasizes the importance of both the beginning and end of the sentence.


We thought it would be useful to look at the top three word phrases that start headlines and the phrases that end headlines.


Below are the most popular phrases that start headlines by number of Facebook interactions (x represents a number).

以Facebook的互动数衡量(x表示数字),以下是用于标题开头的最流行的短语:我们分析了1亿条高阅读量标题,发现你被标题党吸引的原因Below are the most popular phrases that end headlines by number of Facebook interactions (x represents a number).

以Facebook的互动数衡量(x表示数字),以下是标题结尾最常用的短语:我们分析了1亿条高阅读量标题,发现你被标题党吸引的原因Finally, below are the most popular first words that start headlines by average Facebook interactions.



Two word phrases

In our analysis we also looked at the most shared bigrams or two word combinations. Often these were part of longer three word phrases or trigrams that we have previously identified, for example:


  • ‘Make you’ – part of ‘will make you’
  • make you(让你)-will make you(会让你)
  • ‘Is why’ – part of ‘this is why’
  • is why(为何)-this is why(是为何)

There were, however, a few exceptional two word phrases that gained a high level of average engagements. These included:


  • 'goes viral':9,746 average engagements
  • goes viral(走红):9746 次平均参与
  • 'most beautiful':3,921 average engagements
  • most beautiful(最美):3921 次平均参与

Both of these align with the high engaging headline types we found when looking at three word phrases. The first is a form of voyeuristic content which provokes curiosity for example ‘High School Seniors Paint Their Parking Spots And Their Art Goes Viral On Twitter’.


The second is a form of emotional content with often an explicit promise of exceptional content. For example ‘Clementinum In Prague Is The Most Beautiful Library In The World’. This particular example, was picked up and reused by Bored Panda with a similar headline ‘The World’s Most Beautiful Library Is In Prague, Czech Republic’. Both posts got over 250,000 Facebook engagements.

第二种是情感内容,通常表示对于某种特殊内容的明确承诺。比如“布拉格的Clementinum是世界上最美的图书馆”。Bored Panda选取了一个相似的标题“世界上最美的图书馆在捷克,布拉格”。两个帖子都在Facebook上获得了超过250000次的参与。


The Power of List Posts and the Number 10 in Headlines

Many of the most engaging phrases contain numbers, and many use a list post format i.e. headlines that start with a number. It is well known that list posts gain above average social shares. We were interested to see if there was any variation between the performance of different numbers, for example a list post starting with 10 or say 4. The table below shows the average Facebook engagements for different number list posts in our sample.



We can see that the number 10 was the highest performing headline number, which confirms previous research in this area. Our research found that the next three best performing numbers in headlines were 5, 15 and 7.


Many marketers have advocated using unique numbers or much longer numbers for comprehensive articles. Buzzfeed have had a lot of success with the number 23 for example, but on average 10, 5, 15 and 7 are the top performing list posts.



How Many Words Should be in your Headlines? More Than You Think

Let’s look at the length of your headline. Experts such as Jacob Neilson have argued that the best headlines for news sites are very short. Jacob argues for as short as five words or less than 40 characters. Buffer’s Kevan Lee wrote a comprehensive post which suggested blog post headlines should ideally be six words or less than 50 characters. By contrast, research from Outbrain looking at 100,000 posts, suggests that 16 to 18 words and 80 to 110 characters is optimal for driving engagement. When it comes to email subject lines, research by MailChimp suggests that it doesn’t really matter how long subject lines are.

接下来我们来看看标题的长度。Jacob Neilson这类专家一直认为新闻网站最好的标题都是十分简短的。Jacob认为标题应该是短短的五个词语或少于40个字符。Buffer的Kevan Lee曾写了一个综述,提出博客标题最好是六个词或少于50个字符。相比之下,Outbrain在研究了100000篇帖子后,认为16到18个词或者80到110个字符是吸引参与度的最佳选择。此外,MailChimp的研究表明标题电子邮件的主题长度其实无关紧要。

We decided to test these assumptions. with our sample of 100m articles published between 1st March and 10 May 2017.  We analyzed the number of words in article headlines and plotted this number against the average number of Facebook engagements for all headlines in our sample. The results are shown on the chart below.

我们决定去测试一下这些假设。我们绘制了帖子标题的字数和在Facebook中的平均参与度的关系。结果见下图。                                                                                                                                                                                   我们分析了1亿条高阅读量标题,发现你被标题党吸引的原因

We can see that posts with twelve to eighteen words in the headline receive the highest number of Facebook engagements on average. As headlines get longer or shorter the average number of Facebook engagements decline.


Twelve plus words may sound like a lot, though if you’re going to make clear the topic, format and use an effective trigram you will need them. Here are some examples:


  • This Infographic Shows How Only 10 Companies Own All The World’s Food Brands
  • (这张图显示全世界所有食品品牌仅由这10家公司拥有)
  • E-Cigarettes Found to Have 10 times More Cancer Causing Ingredients than Regular Cigarettes
  • (电子香烟被发现含有高于普通香烟10倍的致癌成分)

We also looked at the relationship between the number of characters in a headline and average FB engagements. Our findings were as follows:



Not surprisingly the number of characters has a similar relationship to average Facebook engagements as the number of words. In essence 80 to 95 characters appears optimal.


Thus our research findings would tend to support Outbrain’s previous research that longer headlines work better when it comes to engagement.



Headline Phrases That Engage On Twitter

Will a headline that works on Facebook work equally well on Twitter? Not necessarily. We found the headline phrases that gained the most engagement on Twitter were quite distinct from those that gained high engagement on Facebook. The main exception was the powerful “will make you” phrase which was the top phrase on Facebook and also the fourth most shared phrase on Twitter.

标题在Facebook上的表现是否与Twitter相同呢?这不一定。我们发现Twitter获得最高参与度的标题短语与在Facebook上的截然不同。唯一的例外是“会让你”(will make you),这个在Facebook上参与度最高的短语,在Twitter上分享度也排在第四。

What is particularly interesting is the lack of emotional phrases in the top headlines that resonate on Twitter. This is very different to our findings for Facebook.


The top Twitter phrases have a focus on newness such as “for first time” and “is the new”.

高分享度的Twitter短语都注重新鲜度,例如“第一次”(for first time)和“是新的”(is the new)。

The top trigrams shared on Twitter also focus more on explanations and analysis for example:


    • The truth about
    • 真相是
    • The rise of
    • 的崛起
    • Things to know
    • 需要知道的事
    • This is what....
    • 这就是。。。
    • What we know...
    • 我们所知道的。。。

You can test the impact of different headlines on Twitter by trying different text in your tweets.



B2B Headlines

Update: 18th July 2017. We have now completed our analysis of the best B2B headlines where we reviewed the 10 million most shared posts on LinkedIn in 2017. We found significant differences between the best headline phrases, structures, numbers and lengths for B2B headlines compared to B2C headlines.


You can read the full analysis and post here: The best B2B headline phrases, words and formats based on 10 million posts shared on LinkedIn.


The top phrases in headlines shared on LinkedIn were as follows:


我们分析了1亿条高阅读量标题,发现你被标题党吸引的原因We also found a significant difference between optimum headline lengths for B2B and B2C content. The optimum number of words in B2B headlines was much lower as we can see below. The red line is average LinkedIn shares and the blue line is average Facebook shares.


The key point is that there is no simple formula or approach when it comes to popular headlines, you need to research and understand the headlines that resonate with your audience and industry.


  • Why should the reader care about your content?
  • 为什么读者要关心你的内容?
  • Can you make a promise or claim about the impact of your article on the reader?
  • 你能对文章给读者带来的影响作出一定的承诺或断言吗?
  • Can you include an emotional element – especially if looking to gain traction on Facebook?
  • 你能在标题里包括一个情感因素吗?(尤其是当你想在Facebook上获得一定的吸引力)
  • Are you tapping into a trending topic, if so can you call it out in the headline?
  • 你是否在探讨一个热门话题?如果是这样的话,你是否能在标题里将其突显出来?
  • Can you make it a quiz or challenge?
  • 你能否将文章变成一次测试题或者挑战?
  • Could you position it as an explanation or answer post?
  • 你是否能将文章定位成一篇解释帖或者回答帖?
  • Who’s your tribe – what headlines resonate with them?
  • 谁是你的目标圈——哪些标题能引起圈中人的共鸣?
  • Will a more partisan or controversial headline appeal to your tribe?
  • 党派性或有争议的标题是否会更加吸引你的目标圈群体?
  • Are you aiming for 12-18 words in your headline?
  • 标题长度是否在12-18个词之间?


How Did We Decide On The Headline For This Post?

We brainstormed a range of possible headlines including ones such as ‘Headlines That Engage: Insights from 100m Posts.’ When we did further research, we looked specifically at large research projects in the marketing sector and found that ‘we analyzed’ and ‘we learned’ worked really well as a structure. For example:


Thus after much deliberation and discussion we decided on using this format for the post headline.





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  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://qinghe.me/we-analyzed-100-million-headlines-heres-what-we-learned-new-research.html
