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The Yale happiness class, formally known as Psyc 157: Psychology and the Good Life, is one of the most popular classes to be offered in the university’s 320-year history.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/over-3-million-people-took-this-course-on-happiness.html

耶鲁大学幸福课的正式名称是“心理157:心理学与美好生活”(Psyc 157: Psychology and the Good Life),它是该校320年历史上最受欢迎的课程之一。


The class was only ever taught in-person once, during the spring 2018 semester, as a 1,200-person lecture course in the largest space on campus.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/over-3-million-people-took-this-course-on-happiness.html



That March, a free 10-week version made available to the public via Coursera, titled “the Science of Well-Being,” also became instantly popular, attracting hundreds of thousands of online learners. But when lockdowns1 began last March, two full years later, the enrollment numbers skyrocketed. To date, over 3.3 million people have signed up, according to the website.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/over-3-million-people-took-this-course-on-happiness.html




  • Others wondered aloud if the new restrictions were a tactic to distract voters from scandals about parties at Downing Street during lockdown last year. Washington Post, 14 Dec. 2021
  • 其他人则大声怀疑,新限制措施是否是一种策略,可以让选民从去年封锁期间唐宁街政党的丑闻中转移注意力。

“We octupled the number of people taking the class,” said Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale and the head of the university’s Silliman College, of its pandemic-era popularity.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/over-3-million-people-took-this-course-on-happiness.html

“我们选修这门课的人数增加了八倍,”耶鲁大学西利曼学院(Silliman College)院长、心理学教授劳里·桑托斯(Laurie Santos)谈到这门课在大流行时期的受欢迎程度时说。


“Everyone knows what they need to do to protect their physical health: wash your hands, and social distance, and wear a mask,” she added. “People were struggling with what to do to protect their mental health.”


The Coursera curriculum, adapted from the one Dr. Santos taught at Yale, asks students to, among other things, track their sleep patterns 2, keep a gratitude journal, perform random acts of kindness, and take note of whether, over time, these behaviors correlate with a positive change in their general mood.



  • The pattern is established from the start, when Aldous is in a drugstore with Gerald, sweating through the beginnings of a high that will continue through a mountain hike with his ailing wife. Vinson Cunningham, The New Yorker, 20 Dec. 2021
  • 这种模式从一开始就建立起来,当时 Aldous 和 Gerald 在一家药店,他将继续与他生病的妻子一起在爬山过程中汗流浃背。

Gretchen McIntire, 34, a home health aide in Massachusetts, is studying for her bachelor’s degree in psychology through an online program from Southern New Hampshire University. In her free time during lockdown in August, Ms. McIntire took the class. She called it “life-changing.”

34岁的格雷琴·麦金太尔(Gretchen McIntire)是马萨诸塞州的一名家庭健康助理,她正在通过南新罕布什尔大学(Southern New Hampshire University)的一个在线项目攻读心理学学士学位。去年8月,麦金太尔利用封锁期间的空闲时间上了这门课。她称这是“改变人生”的课。

The practical aspect of the Coursera curriculum appealed to Ms. McIntire, who learned she had Asperger’s syndrome at 23. A night owl, she had struggled with sleep and enforcing her own time boundaries.


“It’s hard to set those boundaries with yourself sometimes and say, ‘I know this book is really exciting, but it can wait till tomorrow, sleep is more important,’” she said. “That’s discipline, right? But I had never done it in that way, where it’s like, ‘It’s going to make you happier. It’s not just good for you; it’s going to actually legitimately 3 make you happier.’”



  • Even in many courtrooms, where there is valid concern about the privacy of defendants, judges recognize that camera coverage serves a legitimate public interest. New Republic, 22 Feb. 1993
  • 即使在许多对被告隐私存在合理担忧的法庭中,法官也承认摄像机覆盖符合合法的公共利益。

She said she found having a daily meditation practice helpful, and has stuck with it even after finishing the class. Meditation also helped her to get off social media.


“I found myself looking inward. It helped me become more introspective,” she said. “Honestly, it was the best thing I ever did.” (She later re-downloaded her social apps, including Facebook Messenger, and felt instantly overwhelmed.)

“我发现自己在观照内心。这让我变得更加内省,”她说。“老实说,这是我做过的最好的一件事。(她后来重新下载了自己的社交应用,包括Facebook Messenger,立刻感到不堪重负。)

Tracy Morgan, a programming supervisor at the Bob Snodgrass Recreation Complex in High River in Alberta, Canada, signed up for the class last June, as she was in lockdown with her children and husband.

特蕾西·摩根(Tracy Morgan)是加拿大阿尔伯塔省高河市鲍勃·斯诺格拉斯娱乐中心(Bob Snodgrass Recreation Complex)的一名计划主管。去年6月,在和丈夫与孩子们在一起被封锁期间,她选修了这门课程。

“There’s no reason I shouldn’t be happy,” she said. “I have a wonderful marriage. I have two kids. I have a nice job and a nice house. And I just could never find happiness.”


Since taking the course, Ms. Morgan, 52, has made a commitment to do three things every day: practice yoga for one hour, take a walk outside in nature no matter how cold it may be in Alberta, and write three to five entries in her gratitude journal before bed.


“When you start writing down those things at the end of the day, you only think about it at the end of the day, but once you make it a routine, you start to think about it all throughout the day,” she said.


And some studies show that finding reasons to be grateful 4 can increase your general sense of well-being.



  • Sergeant James Smith was a company clerk, which meant that he carried his commander's maps, Edwards was grateful to learn. — Tom Clancy, Red Storm Rising, 1986
  • 詹姆斯·史密斯中士是一名连队文员,这意味着他带着指挥官的地图,爱德华兹很高兴得知。

Ewa Szypula, 37, a lecturer of French studies at the University of Nottingham in Britain, said she has been interested in self-improvement techniques since studying for her Ph.D. several years ago. “Somewhere along the second or third year, you do feel a bit burned out, and you need strategies for dealing with it,” she said.

37岁的埃瓦·西普拉(Ewa Szypula)是英国诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)法语研究讲师,她说,自从几年前攻读博士学位以来,她一直对自我提升的技巧感兴趣。她说:“在博士第二年或第三年的某个时候,你确实会感到有些倦怠,你需要一些应对策略。”


One small study from Dr. Santos’s curriculum that stuck with her involved polling 632 Americans to predict how happy they would be if they were given $5 to spend on themselves versus getting $5 and being told they must spend it on someone else. In the study, people predicted that they would be happier if they were allowed to keep the money. But participants consistently reported afterward that they had in fact derived more satisfaction from spending money on someone.


Dr. Szypula had the opportunity to combine her newfound knowledge in a practical experiment on her sister’s birthday. Instead of keeping an expensive dress she had bought, she gave it to her sister.


“I’m still feeling that happiness months later,” she said.


Not every student of the class has felt transformed. Matt Nadel, 21, a Yale senior, was among the 1,200 students taking the class on campus in 2018. He said the rigors of Yale were a big adjustment when he started at the university in the fall of 2017.

并非班上的每一个学生都感受到了改变。21岁的耶鲁大四学生迈特·纳德尔(Matt Nadel)是2018年参加了那次校园实体授课的1200名学生之一。他说2017年秋刚刚入学时,耶鲁的严苛让他适应起来很吃力。

“I was stressed, and I didn’t know exactly how to manage that,” he said.


Mr. Nadel said he was disappointed that the class was a sort of review of the kinds of obvious good advice you may get from a grandmother: Get enough sleep, drink enough water, just do your best.


“I knew that sleeping was good. I knew that my grades didn’t matter for long-term happiness, that I wasn’t going to be a happier, better person because of having good grades,” he said. “Did the class impact my life in a long term, tangible way? The answer is no.”


While the class wasn’t life-changing for him, Mr. Nadel said that he is more expressive now when he feels gratitude. “Which is great,” he said. “But that’s about all.”


Kezie Nwachukwu, 22, also took the class at Yale. He didn’t think it was revolutionary, either, he said, but has managed to find some lasting value in the curriculum.

22岁的克齐·瓦楚库(Kezie Nwachukwu)也上了实体课。他也不觉得有什么惊天动地的变化,不过还是在这个课程中发现了一些长远的价值。

Mr. Nwachukwu, who identifies as a Christian, said that the most important thing he learned is about the importance of faith and community in happiness.


“I think I was struggling to reconcile, and to intellectually interrogate 5, my religion,” he said. “Also acknowledging that I just really like to hang out with this kind of community that I think made me who I am.”



  • With these estimates in mind, interrogate the feelings that emerge. New York Times, 18 Dec. 2021
  • 考虑到这些估计,询问出现的感觉。

Life-changing? No. But certainly life-affirming, he said.


“The class helped make me more secure and comfortable in my pre-existing religious beliefs,” Mr. Nwachukwu said.


Another lesson that stuck with him was the value of negative visualization. This entails thinking of a good thing in your life (like your gorgeous, reasonably affordable apartment) and then imagining the worst-case scenario (suddenly finding yourself homeless and without a safety net). If gratitude is something that doesn’t come naturally, negative visualization can help you to get there.


“That’s something that I really keep in mind, especially when I feel like my mind is so trapped in thinking about future hurdles,” Mr. Nwachukwu said. “I should be so grateful for everything that I have. Because you’re not built to notice these things.”








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