经济学人常用词汇700总结:Market supply schedule(105)

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市场供给表(Market supply schedule)

市场供给表表示在各种价格下一种商品所能够供给的数量。它是一种记录供给与价格之间关系的表格或图表,展示了在各种价格下供给的变化情况。通常情况下,随着价格上升,供给量也会增加;价格下降则会导致供给量减少。经济学人常用词汇700总结:Market supply schedule(105)

  • In the market for wheat, the market supply schedule illustrates the relationship between the price of wheat and the quantity supplied by producers. As the price of wheat increases, farmers are incentivized to cultivate more land, invest in better technology, and increase their production to capitalize on higher profits. This leads to an upward sloping market supply curve, indicating that suppliers are willing to offer a larger quantity of wheat at higher prices. Conversely, if the price of wheat decreases, farmers may reduce their production or switch to other crops with better profitability, resulting in a decrease in the quantity supplied and a leftward shift of the supply curve.
  • 在小麦市场上,市场供给表说明了小麦价格与生产者供给数量之间的关系。随着小麦价格上涨,农民受到激励,耕种更多的土地,投资于更先进的技术,增加产量以获得更高的利润。这导致了一个向上倾斜的市场供给曲线,表示供应商愿意以较高的价格提供更多的小麦。相反,如果小麦价格下降,农民可能会减少产量或转种其他更有利可图的作物,导致供给数量减少,供给曲线向左移动。
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