经济学人常用词汇700总结:加成定价(Markup pricing)(106)

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加成定价(Markup pricing)

加成定价是指,为了确定一种产品的价格而把一个百分比(或绝对的)数量加到所估计的产品平均(或边际的)成本上,这就意味着该数量要计入某些无法化归任何具体产品中去的成本,并且旨在维持厂商的某一投资回报率。经济学人常用词汇700总结:加成定价(Markup pricing)(106)

  • In the fashion retail industry, a clothing store may apply a markup pricing strategy. Let's say a store purchases a dress from a wholesaler for $50. The store decides to apply a 100% markup, which means they will sell the dress for $100. By adding a fixed percentage to the cost, the store ensures that they cover their expenses and generate a profit. Markup pricing allows businesses to have control over their profit margins and adjust prices based on market conditions and competition.
  • 在时尚零售业中,一个服装店可能会采用Markup pricing的定价策略。假设一家店铺从批发商处购买了一条裙子,成本价为50美元。该店决定应用100%的加价幅度,这意味着他们将以100美元的价格销售这条裙子。通过在成本上增加一个固定的百分比,店铺确保可以覆盖开支并获得利润。Markup pricing策略使企业能够控制利润率,并根据市场条件和竞争进行价格调整。
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