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今天的这篇文章来自于经济学人,和经济学人精读:蚊子夺去了很多人的性命,也塑造了人类社会的精读方法一样,我们来看看今天这篇文章中有哪些我们还不够熟悉的英语词汇,从而在这个过程中扩大大家的词汇量,并一并提高自己的阅读技巧和方法,如果你对外刊阅读还没有什么概念的话,推荐看看这篇文章 外刊杂志:关于外刊杂志阅读的5点建议。

今天的这篇文章来自于经济学人,和经济学人精读:蚊子夺去了很多人的性命,也塑造了人类社会的精读方法一样,我们来看看今天这篇文章中有哪些我们还不够熟悉的英语词汇,从而在这个过程中扩大大家的词汇量,并一并提高自己的阅读技巧和方法,如果你对外刊阅读还没有什么概念的话,推荐看看这篇文章 外刊杂志:关于外刊杂志阅读的5点建议

 A principle followed by traders who speculate 1 on short-term movements in market prices is “cut your losses early”. This doctrine finds expression in the stop-loss—an order to sell a security, such as a company share, automatically when it hits a predetermined price. People being people, stop-loss orders tend to cluster at salient levels, such as whole or round numbers. They might instruct a broker to sell the pound at $1.20, say, or sell Apple at $200.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/how-yuan-dollar-became-the-worlds-most-closely-watched-asset-price.html



  • vt. & vi. 思索; 猜测, 推测


* 这几个词和think, deliberate,  meditate, muse, reason, reflect, speculate容易混淆,大家不妨看看这篇文章:单词辨析:think, deliberate,  meditate, muse, reason, reflect, speculate的区别文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/how-yuan-dollar-became-the-worlds-most-closely-watched-asset-price.html


The round-number fetish is a strange one. But when a situation is uncertain (and financial markets are always uncertain) arbitrary numbers or thresholds are often charged with great meaning. And few have had the significance of seven yuan per dollar. So when the yuan broke through seven on August 5th, it prompted 2 a violent sell-off in stocks and a rally in bonds. That was followed by a formal charge by the US Treasury that China was manipulating its currency.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/how-yuan-dollar-became-the-worlds-most-closely-watched-asset-price.html



  • vt. 促进;激起;提示;(给演员)提白


  • Curiosity prompted her to ask a few questions.
  • 好奇心促使她提了一些问题。


On the face of it, that looks like an overreaction. If things were fine when the yuan was at 6.99, why did all hell break loose when it reached 7.01? Odder still is the idea that a currency that has only fairly limited use outside China is suddenly a prime mover in global capital markets. Yet China’s heft in the world economy has made it so. The yuan-dollar exchange rate is now the world’s most watched asset 3 price. And “seven” mattered simply because people had come to believe that it did.



  • n. 资产;有用的东西;有利条件;优点



To understand why, go back four years. Until August 2015 the yuan had been closely tied to the dollar. Since then its external price has been set by officials each day, ostensibly by reference to a basket of currencies. The idea is that the yuan’s value should somewhat reflect market forces. The outcome is that the yuan has moved in a limited range against the dollar, capped at seven. Were the yuan to surge, it would hurt China’s exports; were it to plummet, the dollar debts of Chinese firms would loom larger. A large fall would intensify an ever-present fear: devaluation 4 and capital flight.



  • n. (货币)贬值


  • For those reasons, devaluations make investors nervous.New York Times, "China’s Currency Moves Escalate Trade War, Rattling Markets," 5 Aug. 2019
  • 因为这些原因,贬值让投资者们很紧张。


The yuan is still a long way from being a free-floating currency. It is further away still from being a global one to rival the dollar. It is not a straightforward business to buy and sell yuan. Traders joke that it is less liquid 5 than the shares of Alibaba, a giant Chinese e-commerce firm, which is listed in New York. Yet despite the constraints, the waxing and waning of the yuan’s value has had a growing influence on the foreign-exchange market and on asset prices more generally.




This is in large part because the currencies of economies that do a lot of trade with China have tended to move in tandem 6 with the yuan. Its clout owes much to China’s weight in the global economy, but also to its gravity in export markets. When the yuan moves, it imparts news about global trade. The message is quickly picked up by the currencies of other export-oriented economies, not only in Asia but in Europe too.



  • n. 串联;串座双人自行车
  • adj. 串联的
  • adv. 一前一后地;纵排地



It is not wholly surprising, then, that President Donald Trump’s trade war with China has bled into a conflict over the yuan-dollar exchange rate. Reports from China in recent months suggested that it had become a sticking point in the stalled 7 trade negotiations. The governor of China’s central bank even dropped a public hint in June that there was no red line at seven. America’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, countered that if China gave up supporting the yuan, it might be interpreted as an attempt to weaken it. That is one reason why crossing seven caused such a fuss.


  • adj.失速的


  • The engine stalled suddenly.
  • 发动机突然熄火了

所以,特朗普发起的对华贸易战会蔓延到人民币兑美元的汇率之争也就不那么意外了。中国近几月的报道表明,汇率问题已成为贸易谈判僵局的一个胶着点。中国央行行长甚至在6月公开暗示人民币汇率没有所谓的“保七”红线。美国财政部长史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)反驳说,如果中国政府放弃力保人民币,就可以解读为是企图引导人民币贬值。这也是“破七”引发如此轰动的原因之一。

But there are others. The yuan-dollar exchange rate has become a gauge 8 of global risk appetite. A weak yuan is often associated with weakness in a host of other important currencies, including the euro. The result is a strong dollar. That in turn squeezes global credit, because many countries and companies beyond America’s borders borrow in dollars. One consequence is slower global GDP growth. Another is that money tends to flow out of riskier sorts of securities, such as stocks and emerging-market bonds, into safer assets such as Treasury bonds.


  • n. 厚度, 直径
  • 测量仪表
  • 规格, 尺度


  • There is no indication the Crown Prince plans to ease its suppression of critical voices, and the Kingdom’s intolerance for dissent makes gauging public sentiment difficult.— Joseph Hincks, Time, "Saudi Arabia Is Introducing Landmark Reforms for Women. But the Activists Who Pushed For Them Remain in Prison," 5 Aug. 2019
  • 没有迹象表明王储计划放松对批评声音的压制,沙特对不同政见的不容忍使得评估公众情绪也变得困难。


Arbitrary numbers often take on a life of their own in financial markets. China bears some blame in this instance. It has a penchant 9 for control and opaque policymaking. Left to their own devices, investors start to impute greater significance to key thresholds. Officials follow their lead. The markets had become used to the yuan trading in a familiar range. It is not clear what the new rules are. The only thing that is certain is that yuan-dollar remains the asset price to watch.


  • n. (强烈的)爱好,嗜好





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