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In the competitive online marketplace, coupon codes1 and loyalty programs2 are ubiquitous. But at what cost?


  • n. 法典, 法规, 章程
  • 密码, 电码
  • 代号, 编码
  • vt. 将…译成电码


  • The coded message was indecipherable.
  • 这份用密码写的消息译不出来。

2.loyalty programs文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/welcome-to-the-promoconomy.html

忠诚计划是一种用以赢得顾客忠诚度的市场营销手段, 在不同国家和地区可能有不同的称呼,但都是通过给常使用某公司服务的顾客提供优惠、返利及会员卡等来吸引顾客再次进行消费。 申请忠诚计划会员卡通常需要使用到客户的姓名、住址等私人信息,申请完成之后,商家会将众多客户的信息集成到一起来进行市场调查,从而制定相应的销售策略。而通过返点等措施,忠诚计划也会涉及到虚拟货币等金融领域。文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/welcome-to-the-promoconomy.html


For die-hard shoppers, the recession in the late 2000s was defined by promotions: daily deals, flash-sale sites and steep3 discounts that went beyond half-off markdowns. At times, it felt like the whole world was on sale.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/welcome-to-the-promoconomy.html


  • adj. 陡峭的;夸大的;不合理的;急剧升降的
  • vt. 浸;泡;使…充满
  • vi. 泡;沉浸
  • n. 浸渍;峭壁


  • There was a steep rise in prices.
  • 价格暴涨。


A decade later, the promotional landscape looks a lot different. Today you can download Honey, a browser extension that searches for and inputs promo codes for you (and can read and apply a coupon at checkout). Or have a mobile app called Shop It To Me give a gentle nudge when the price of that Self Portrait dress you’ve been eyeing finally drops.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/welcome-to-the-promoconomy.html



And Snapchat and Instagram are reshaping promotions entirely, occasionally rewarding online purchases of Milk Makeup Glow Oil with chic carryalls or posting $5 delivery credits for Postmates.


Groupon’s still Groupon, albeit a shell of what it used to be. And mall stores are as thirsty as ever, with the year-round sales (and often dismal4 earnings) to prove it. But they’re more apt to trumpet their sales by text or mobile app than Valpak paper coupons.


  • adj. 凄凉的,忧郁的;阴沉的,沉闷的;可怕的
  • n. 低落的情绪


  • He felt dismal after reading a piece of bad news in the newspaper.
  • 他读了报上的一条不好的消息后心情忧郁。


These days, the promotions come directly, and often custom tailored, to you. But at what cost?


The lure5 of relevant deals is conditioning us to give up our personal information, said Joseph Turow, a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania who studies marketing and digital privacy. “This is such a habit-forming activity that you begin to say, ‘Well, if I do it for shopping, I’ll do it for the government,’” he said.


  • n. 诱惑物;诱惑;饵
  • vt. 引诱;诱惑


  • Cheese is really a good lure for mice.
  • 奶酪是很好的引诱老鼠的诱饵。


He warned that it’s teaching you “that giving up your data is just a part of life.”


How do promotions get to you? On email, text, social media and the web, promotions are lurking6 everywhere. People may go online or on apps to find deals, or get recommendations based on their history as they browse a store with its app open on their smartphones.


  • vi. 潜伏;埋伏;潜藏
  • n. 埋伏;潜伏


  • There is a suspicious man lurking in the shadows.
  • 有一可疑的人躲在阴暗中。


Or people may be quietly, specifically targeted. “Some deals might get to us because a company that’s interested in promoting a certain type of thing has bought information about us from a data broker,” said Laura Moy, the executive director of the Center on Privacy and Technology at Georgetown Law School.



But many trade-offs are more transparent: you give us something, we’ll give you something. From the moment you log on to the site of Outdoor Voices, an athleisure brand, it touts7 an “exclusive birthday offer” in exchange for your email address.


  • vt. 招徕;兜售;刺探赛马情报
  • vi. 兜售;招徕顾客;拉选票
  • n. 侦查者;兜售者


  • He’s been touting his novel around publishers for years.
  • 他几年来一直到处找出版商兜售自己的小说。


Revolve Clothing offers 10 percent off for subscribing to its newsletter. Baggu, which makes those nylon bags beloved by Aidy Bryant, gives free shipping in the United States on orders over $30. According to Honey, the number of carts an average member finds a coupon for each year has increased 33 percent.



The New Deals

Offering freebies as enticements8 to build business is nothing new. Decades ago, blenders or toasters were synonymous with new bank accounts, and many can remember the days when credit card companies gave away T-shirts on college campuses. All of these required some sacrifice of personal data.


  • n. 引诱;怂恿
  • 引诱物


  • Even if you are not addicted to the Internet or any other technology, you may be struggling with its enticement.
  • 即使你尚未沉溺于网络或其他任何科技,你或许也正在努力抵抗它的诱惑。


But now that information like Social Security numbers can be posted online, vulnerable9 to identity thieves and others around the globe, there is a lot more at stake.


  • adj. 易受伤的, 脆弱的, 敏感的


  • Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation.
  • 流动工人易受剥削。


At one point, retailers and brands bet on batch-and-blast emails, dividing shoppers into broad categories and matching them with products based on their purchases. This worked well — except, of course, when the algorithm10 got it wrong.




But Larry Thomas, the managing director of insight and growth at Accenture, a business-services company, said that successful promotions in the future will be even more finely tuned, offering whatever is most relevant to a shopper at any point in time.


“If a hair-product brand knows it’s going to rain, and that you have hair that curls, it can recommend certain products to prevent that from happening,” Mr. Thomas said. “Google is a key platform behind that as well as Facebook.”



First, the brand needs to know what type of items you buy, through purchase data (online or e-commerce), retail partnerships or third-party data, which Digiday loosely defines as any information collected by an entity that doesn’t have a direct relationship with you.


Paying search and social-media companies can help marketers refine their pitch11. “Search history and interaction with accounts and posts online can provide context to the consumer’s purchase behavior,” Mr. Thomas said. And location-enabled services can help tailor product recommendations to the weather.


  • n. 球场
  • 音调, 音高
  • 程度; 强度; 高度
  • 沥青
  • 颠簸
  • 斜度, 坡度
  • 商贩摊位, 艺人表演场地
  • 推销商品的话
  • vt. 投, 掷, 扔
  • 为…定音调
  • 用人们易懂的方式表述
  • vt. & vi. 搭(帐篷), 扎(营)
  • (使)突然向前倒下
  • vi. 颠簸
  • 向下倾斜


  • They that touch pitch will be defiled.
  • 近墨者黑。


Despite the obvious privacy concerns, shoppers have come to expect such intrusions and, as academics like Dr. Turow have studied, shrug them off. Indeed, in a 2018 Global Consumer Pulse study of nearly 30,000 consumers, Accenture found 47 percent are frustrated when a company doesn’t use their personal information to fine-tune engagement. And 43 percent “prefer” (Accenture’s wording) to do business with a company that uses their data to customize promotions and pricing.

尽管个人信息是令人关切,但是对于买家来说,他们仍然希望看到这样的信息,图罗博士的学术研究表明 了这一现象,摆脱他们吧。事实上,2018年全球我消费者动向调查显示,他们通过研究3玩命消费者发现,47%的消费者有些公司不通过他们的个人信息进行针对性的互动而感到非常困惑。43%(埃森哲方面表示)的公司希望通过他们的数据来进行促销和产品定价。

Dr. Turow’s research presents a bleaker picture. When it comes to resignation, consumers’ behavior is statistically unpredictable: Sometimes people will take a discount, sometimes they won’t. “What it reflects is a sense of futility about this,” he said.


“The problem in the old days was you didn’t necessarily know who was who, so you were trying to figure out who to give a discount to and who not to,” said David Bell, president of Idea Farm Ventures. “Now you can be much more targeted in your approach and relevant.”


Welcome, in other words, to the “sale for some.” The perpetually moribund apparel brand Perry Ellis last year teamed up with Bluecore, a retail marketing platform in New York, to tweak its messaging based on “discount affinity,” or a customer’s propensity to shop sales.


With its technology embedded in Perry Ellis’ site, Bluecore could automatically detect a change in prices, which it knew to show to shoppers who had either purchased or interacted with a product in the past (that is, reviewed but didn’t purchase).


It also identified shopping trends, like customers who buy, or were more likely to buy, with discounts. Those keeping a budget were exposed to more discounts, while spendthrifts rarely saw the brand devalued. The campaign outperformed Ellis’s traditional blasts, and its open rate was 102 percent higher than that of traditional campaigns.


The retailer Express ran a Bluecore campaign in May 2018 that recommended shoppers a variety of products in the same fit but different colors based on previous purchases or items they had browsed online. The emails featured imagery of clothes that would complement the look, not unlike a personal shopper.



“Someone who buys camisoles in bulk may get a ‘buy one, get one free’ promo,” said Sherene Hilal, the vice president of product marketing at Bluecore. “You get to send fewer emails to customers, which they love, and the brand is actually showing you the best products.”


Bluecore said that such feats of personalization are hard for legacy stores to pull off and therefore not the norm. But souping up value for loyal customers has proved effective, Mr. Thomas said.


Consider NikePlus evolving its membership perks in the past year to include free expedited shipping and merchandise, or Rimmel developing a “Shazam for makeup” app that recommends products based on scanned images of faces, or Target expanding its Cartwheel app and Target Circle loyalty program.


Those that simply sell stuff are increasingly the minority.



The Demise of Coupons and Circulars

As any millennial short on cash will tell you, the economic downturn and the rise of e-commerce helped inure them to deals. The generation’s predilection for shopping online, the deal frenzy12 of the recession, the necessity of finding discounts, given their flat incomes and student-loan debt, and the dominance of Amazon have all been factors in building what one might call the “promoconomy.”


  • n. 狂怒;狂暴;暴怒
  • vt. 使发狂;使狂怒


  • In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
  • 他在一阵痛恨之下杀死了他的敌人。


“They can’t even afford to buy full price if they want to,” said Sucharita Kodali, an e-commerce analyst at Forrester Research. And according to a study by Harris Group, millennials are spending less on physical products and more on experiences like restaurants and travel, so retailers feel extra pressure to offer enticements.


“The one easy lever you can turn on tomorrow is a sale,” Ms. Kodali said. “E-commerce has just made the promotional landscape so much more nimble13 than it ever was.”


  • adj. 敏捷的;聪明的;敏感的


  • He is a nimble climber.
  • 他是个敏捷的登山者

能够让你获得更多的就是明天有个好的销售情况,K小姐说,电子商务可以 让这种具有革新性的产品推销显得更加便捷。

By their nature, paper coupons and circulars were infrequent, which did little to drive loyalty. Now that shoppers can buy nearly anything, “retailers are looking more at lifetime loyalty versus just getting the sale done,” said Charlie Graham, the founder of Shop It To Me. “Companies got burned by coupons being put online.”



Sitting Out the Promotion Game

In an environment where discounts have become almost ubiquitous, it makes sense that some direct-to-consumer brands would try to stand out by eschewing promotions altogether.


It’s not uncommon to see a “reactivating” promotion for, say, 15 percent off your next order, as the underwear brand Tommy John offers, or a free gift with your first purchase of Ouai Haircare products. But there’s a danger to creating a “cheapening element,” as Mr. Bell calls it, when you give too much away.


For trendy direct-to-consumer start-ups that are already paying through the nose to get noticed on Facebook, Google and Instagram, that means never going on sale, period. That’s why you won’t find a coupon for Emily Weiss’s beauty young company, Glossier, or Allbirds, which makes sneaker-like wool shoes.


“As soon as you start competing on price, you’re competing with the Amazons of the world,” said Diana Ganz, a founder of the Groomsman Suit, an online suit company that prides itself on not offering discounts. (To be fair, its versatile suits cost less than $200.) “That is a game that nobody wins.”


Correction: Aug. 20, 2019

2019年8月20日 订正

An earlier version of this article misstated David Bell's current position. Mr. Bell is the president of Idea Farm Ventures; he left Wharton School of Business in 2018. An earlier version of this article also misstated the privacy policy of the web browser extension Honey, which searches the web for coupons. The tool does not share your data, it reads it and changes it to apply a coupon.







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