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By Bill Gates | October 25, 2021比尔·盖茨先生免费送给青年朋友的一本电子书

When I published How to _Avoid a Climate Disaster earlier this year, I wanted lots of different types of people to read it- political leaders, investors, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and so on- but I especially hoped that it would find an audience among college and university students and other young people.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/bill-gates-new-book-on-emission.html

After all, they have done a lot to keep climate change on the world's agenda, even during COVID. And they're starting to pick careers and the issues they'll follow most closely for decades to come.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/bill-gates-new-book-on-emission.html

So I'm making a digital copy of How to_Avoid a Climate Disaster available to every college and university student in the world.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/bill-gates-new-book-on-emission.html

College students, download your free copy here.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/bill-gates-new-book-on-emission.html

We need a lot of innovative thinking to solve climate change, and we're counting on the next generation of leaders and voters to help make it happen.文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/bill-gates-new-book-on-emission.html

Thanks for being an Insider!文章源自西贝博客-https://qinghe.me/bill-gates-new-book-on-emission.html




  • Making things like plastic and steel, which is 31% of emissions;
  • Plugging in, or electricity, which is 27% of emissions;
  • Growing things like what we need for food, which is 19% of emissions;
  • Getting around, or transportation, which is 16% of emissions;
  • Keeping warm and cool, which is 7% of emissions.


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